Monday, December 10, 2012

14 Days

Woke up with a headache this morning. I'm currently administering a careful treatment of coffee and internet.

 The headache better go away, because I have lots of plans for this week. This coming Saturday is tree-day, so I've just GOT to get some cleaning and some baking done.

 The highlight of my week is going to be Tuesday evening: a few laughs at the pub with some friends from my daughter's barn. I'm going to have a big-ass cheesy burger, salty fries, and at least two pints...even if payday is not until Friday. Buuurp!


Dave Hingsburger said...

You have one of those pints for us. Friends from the barn ... perfect for a decendant of the Barnes family.

Kate said...

Hey, I had one of those headaches today. Weather, I always blame it on.

Have fun at the pub!